Style Guide April 2023 Full

Range Specific Items Flat Slab Ranges: Vogue; Loran; Marlo; Stretton; Linden

Price 28 28 28 28 28 28 28

Cornice & Light Pelmet

Cornice Code Dims (H x D)

Pelmet Code Dims (HxD)


• Vogue Graphite

MS082207 MS082205 MS08820 MS082220 MS082206 MS08813 MS0814

18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm

MS072207 50 x 18mm 16 MS072205 50 x 18mm 16

• Vogue Highland Stone

• Vogue Ivory

MS07820 MS07814

50 x 18mm 16 50 x 18mm 16

• Vogue Lancaster Oak • Vogue Light Grey • Vogue Scots Grey

MS072220 50 x 18mm 16 MS072206 50 x 18mm 16

• Vogue White


50 x 18mm 16

Cornice / Light Pelmet, edged 2 long edges.

Pelmet, edged 1 long edges.

2800mm lengths

2800mm lengths

80 80 80 80

• Loran Graphite

MS082335 MS082336 MS082337 MS082338

18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm

MS072335 50 x 18mm 80 MS072336 50 x 18mm 80 MS072337 50 x 18mm 80 MS072338 50 x 18mm 80

• Loran Highland Stone

• Loran Light Grey • Loran Scots Grey

Modern cornice / pelmet - MFC as frontage edged 2 long

Pelmet - MFC as frontage edged 1 long 2800mm lengths, horizontal grain

2800mm lengths, horizontal grain

80 80 80 80 80

• Marlo Florence Oak • Marlo Manhattan • Marlo Mayfield Oak

MS082781 MS082342 MS082341 MS082340 MS082783

18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm

MS072781 50 x 18mm 80 MS072342 50 x 18mm 80 MS072341 50 x 18mm 80 MS072340 50 x 18mm 80 MS072783 50 x 18mm 80

• Marlo Terra

• Marlo Washed Oak

Modern cornice / pelmet - MFC as frontage edged 2 long

Pelmet - MFC as frontage edged 1 long

2800mm lengths

2800mm lengths

78 78 78 78 78 78 78

• Stretton Dust Grey • Stretton Graphite

MS082281 MS082282 MS082278 MS082288 MS082283 MS082285 MS082284

18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm

MS072281 50 x 18mm 78 MS072282 50 x 18mm 78 MS072278 50 x 18mm 78 MS072288 50 x 18mm 78 MS072283 50 x 18mm 78 MS072285 50 x 18mm 78

• Stretton Highland Stone

• Stretton Inkwell

• Stretton Light Grey • Stretton Scots Grey


• Stretton White

50 x 18mm 78

Modern cornice / pelmet - MDF as frontage edged 2 long

Pelmet - MDF as frontage edged 1 long

3000mm lengths

3000mm lengths

80 80 80 80 80 80

• Linden Graphite Gloss

MS082017 MS082028 MS082002 MS082016 MS082029 MS082006

18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm 18 x 110mm

MS072017 50 x 18mm 80 MS072028 50 x 18mm 80 MS072002 50 x 18mm 80 MS072016 50 x 18mm 80 MS072029 50 x 18mm 80 MS072006 50 x 18mm 80

• Linden Highland Stone Gloss

• Linden Ivory Gloss

• Linden Light Grey Gloss • Linden Scots Grey Gloss

• Linden White Gloss

3000mm lengths

3000mm lengths Note: Cornice can be used as cornice & pelmet.

Cornice/pelmet - Cold Pressed 1 face. Cornice Edged Gloss ABS 2 edges. Pelmet Edged Gloss ABS 1 edge.



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