Style Guide 2021
Range Specific Items Solid Ash Frame Painted Ranges : Ashbrook, Chiltern, Sudbury, Stamford & Hadlow Solid Oak Frame: Stamford Oak
Door Composition:
Square solid Ash Shaker frame door which has 85mm stiles & rails with an internal mould surrounding a veneer centre panel. Drawer fronts are solid slab panel. Painted doors have grain structure lightly visible through the painted surface.
Square solid Ash frame door with 105mm internal moulded stiles and rails. Veneer raised and fielded centre panel. V joint detail to the frame. Drawer fronts are a traditional slab design. Painted doors have a grain structure lightly visible through the painted surface.
Square solid Ash shaker frame door with 105mm wide stiles and rails and flat ash veneered centre panel. V joint detail to the frame. Drawer fronts are slab design. Painted doors have a grain structure lightly visible through the painted surface.
Square solid Ash wide frame door with 105mm wide stiles and rails that have chamfered moulding to their inside edge around a flat ash veneered centre panel. V joint detail to the frame. Drawer fronts are slab design. Painted doors have a grain structure lightly visible through the painted surface.
Narrow frame solid Ash frame shaker door which has 75mm stiles with shallow recess to the ash veneer centre panel. Drawer fronts are solid slab panel. Painted doors have grain structure lightly visible through painted surface.
Solid Natural Oak Frame Range : Stamford Oak
Door Composition:
Square solid Oak wide frame door with 105mm wide stiles and rails that have chamfered moulding to their inside edge around a flat oak veneered centre panel. V joint detail to the frame. Drawer fronts are slab design and are all solid oak.
Stamford Oak
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