Retail APR23 - MCK - Book 2

12.3 - Jointing Ligna Laminate Worktops

Important Information:

It is important that when jointing laminate worktops at corners or in any application where the core chipboard is exposed that correct sealant/ glue is used:

39mm Square Edge Laminate (Ligna):

For 39mm thick laminate work-surfaces we strongly advise the use of a waterproof PVA adhesive be used to seal all joints. When applying this adhesive (after fully machining and producing the bolt connector slots), apply a thick bead (8-10mm) of adhesive around the profiled edge of the cut worktop. Apply another bead down the centre of the worktop edge and using a flat spatula, spread the glue all over BOTH pieces of the joint, ensuring every part of the edge surface is covered and the edge is completely 'white'. Connect the two pieces and tighten the joining bolts while ensuring the top surface is perfectly flush. A correctly bonded joint MUST show clear and constant signs of adhesive along the top & bottom faces and front and back edges of the worktop. Remove excess adhesive with a flat scraper and clean the surface. Further tighten the bolts if possible and repeat the scraping and cleaning process, always ensuring a constant line of adhesive is seen being 'squeezed' from the joint. When completed, the joint should be 'near invisible', should not show any signs of glue and should be perfectly flush along its whole length. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER ADHESIVE or SILICONE SEALANT. Warranty claims for jointing using silicone sealant will not be accepted. Silicone remains flexible, has a thickness to it and with time, will wear away leaving exposed the core of the material. Water WILL find its way into this space and the worktop joint will fail over time.


Product Code


Worktop jointing bolt as singles (for use with 39mm Square Edge Laminate)



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